
Soho property developers co-fund new playground for the Soho Parish Primary School

October 2015

Soho property developers co-fund new playground for the Soho Parish Primary School

1 October saw the unveiling of a new innovative playground at Soho Parish Primary School that has been part-funded by 11 leading Soho property developers, including Dukelease. Soho Parish is a small state voluntary-aided school with 156 children, situated in the heart of London. As the only school in Soho, it has an important role to play in Soho, providing jobs, enabling families to live in the area and enriching the community by providing a focal point to bring it together. Urban natural play specialists, Jane’s Pond have designed the new playground and have created a fun and multi-use educational play area in an exciting modern architectural piece. 

Eleven leading Soho property investors and developers have supported the Soho Parish Primary School to provide over 50% of the £250,000 plus cost of an innovative new playground for the school. The school itself has worked tirelessly over the last three years to raise the balance of funding. Many local businesses have supported the very popular annual Soho Food Feast, which has been a major source of finance. 

The exciting new playground design provides s fun, multi-use educational play area within an exciting modern architectural piece, which can be seen from an entirely new street façade. The elevated decking, green spaces, play cubes and ropes provide pupils with a unique play and learning experience, eliminating a physical barrier between the school and the local community.

Dukelease Properties are proud to have supported this initiative which ensures the school can continue its important role in the Soho residential community as it continues to flourish.